“When Dave introduced me to the concept of The TrueTell, little did I know that he would be opening up a whole new world, and in the process helping me to take my career to the next level.”
— Dana Baron
“The tools that Dave teaches enable you to connect to what you’re saying so that it sounds and feels genuine. I highly recommend Dave’s The TrueTell system and would encourage anyone looking to improve their communication skills to get on board.”
— Nick Richetta
“The key to success in any endeavor is authenticity. If the expression isn’t true, no amount of training will cover the lack of passion and honesty. When I worked with Dave, using his TrueTell method– speaking truth, nothing else, in my own voice – the results were remarkable. My thanks to Dave, and I can’t recommend his method highly enough.”
— Andrew Kishino
“Using Dave Walsh’s The TrueTell, I am me…a real flesh and blood, no pretense, likable, vulnerable, fully realized and authentic human being. The TrueTell helped me discover my true self.”
— Pat Duke
“Dave Walsh is an extraordinary teacher and human being. He maintains a very safe, sensitive, open environment that allows you to unveil your vulnerability. When you find your ‘TrueTell,’ you find the place where you can speak with honesty, dignity and undeniable conviction. We all have something to say, but there is a true art to understanding how to be heard.”
— Julie Pusch