The TrueTell Hero

Heroes.  They come in all shapes and sizes.  With purpose and fortitude as resilient as they are diverse.  But while there is a personal variance in what drives heroes, one thing remains consistent.  Their authenticity.  Their truth.  About who they are.  What they stand for.  How they communicate.  And how people respond to the sound of that authentic, heroic communication. 

One of the driving forces behind my creation of The TrueTell method, a revolutionary program designed to help leaders discover their own authentic voice, was to examine and celebrate the power of heroism.  How it sounds.  How people process it.  And how it makes them feel and act. 

As part of that celebration, we have created a unique honor to recognize those heroes among us who exemplify the foundation of authenticity -  inspiration, motivation, integrity, honesty and trust.   

Introducing - The TrueTell Hero. 

We are honored to present our first three TrueTell Heroes here.  Some are famous.  Some not so.  But all are examples of those whose voices are built to lead – with power, truth and passion.  

Join me in honoring them. 

Aretha Franklin


soul /sól/ noun - the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.  

Aretha Franklin will always be THE eternal definition of soul. The custodian of a voice that slices through time. Hers is a four-octave audio footprint that has led generations - with a raw, unbridled power to bring inspiration, offer comfort, give reflection, preach resistance and promote resilience. The ferocity, depth and grace of her notes has left an indelible mark on every chapter of our culture and our lives: from black pride to women’s liberation, freedom of speech, belief and faith in a higher power, the beauty and pain of being in love and how to simply celebrate that we’re alive. Distinctive. Passionate. Authentic. Immortal. THAT is the definition of the voice of Aretha Franklin.  Rest In Peace.